Leadership Failure

In our first ever zoom podcast Jason and I discuss the many aspects of the Covid 19 response from the Métis Cartel.  We talk about how they are being very quiet about what they are doing, where the money is going, and who is getting any help at all.  Through all of this where is the daily or even weekly updates from these so called leaders as to how many have been able to receive help, the safety of Métis communities, or even how they are handling things administratively.

In our first ever zoom podcast Jason and I discuss the many aspects of the Covid 19 response from the Métis Cartel.  We talk about how they are being very quiet about what they are doing, where the money is going, and who is getting any help at all.  Through all of this where is the daily or even weekly updates from these so called leaders as to how many have been able to receive help, the safety of Métis communities, or even how they are handling things administratively.

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